10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (June 13)

8. What Is The Best WWE Match Of 2016 So Far, And Why?

The Shield

@billdblanton wants to know the best match of 2016 so far, and in the interest of keeping this article strictly WWE, I'll have to say Nakamura vs. Zayn. The in-ring action was phenomenal, and the storytelling ability of both men allowed them to infuse the match with incredible personality - despite there being very little actual build.

Nothing in WWE is yet to top this bout from NXT TakeOver: Dallas, but I'd hesitate to call it match of the year altogether.

Unless topped by a contest between now and 2017, that accolade will probably go to one of the main events of Wrestle Kingdom 10: Nakamura vs. Styles or Okada vs. Tanahashi.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.