10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (June 13)

5. With Many Call-Ups Expected, Who Needs To Stay In NXT To Sell Tickets?

The Shield

@MichaelFarrer92 has an incredibly tricky question: not which NXT stars should be called up to the main roster, but who should remain in the developmental territory and keep it strong?

Balor has, I think, outstayed his welcome slightly, and fans are clamouring for him to make the leap - but Women's Champion Asuka can afford to be held back now. Bobby Roode should fill a hole at the top of the card, while The (excellent) Revival look to be staying a little longer too, given their recent title win.

Samoa Joe should stick around for however long he holds onto the title for, but needs to immediately jump once he drops it (I desperately want to see him on the main roster before he's too old, if you couldn't already tell).

That leaves Nakamura - perhaps the most over man on the NXT roster. His case is a very tricky one, but sadly, as much as the developmental show would benefit from him sticking around, he would enhance the main roster so much.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.