10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Mar 1)

8. Samoa Joe To WWE Plus A New Name?

From @bflip33: Will WWE sign Samoa Joe? And if so how dead inside will you feel when they make him go by €œPacific Jack€?
That new name cracked me up. I know that last week there was a Joe question where I talked about him a bit, but this week we found out that he's headed to Ring of Honor in March. It's not a long term deal and there were also reports that he's talked to WWE, so there is hope for those of us that want to see him in a WWE ring one day. He really should go to WWE if he can because he's experienced everything else there is in other companies. Maybe New Japan would be some cool experience for him, but he has wrestled in Japan plenty of times before. Any wrestler wants to compete at a WrestleMania and this is Joe's chance to potentially. Go chase that dream. As for the name, if he does go to WWE it won't be Samoa Joe. They make people change their names even when they use their real names like Kevin Steen. That's because WWE likes to trademark their names. It wasn't always that way (Cena and Orton go to use real names), but it's how things are now. If wrestlers don't like a new name? Too bad. It's the WWE way. Go work somewhere else for less money. WWE has the leverage in this instance, so the talent always ends up using some different name.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.