10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Mar 1)

7. Giving The Divas A Chance

From @bevoaustintx: How soon before the WWE shows us what they meant by stay tuned we are working on it when it comes to the Divas recent exposure?
The #GiveDivasAChance phrase on Twitter blew up on Monday night during Raw and also the next night when Vince McMahon said they noticed it as well as telling the WWE Universe to keep watching. Actions speak louder than words (or tweets), so we'll definitely be watching. This week's Raw will be really telling because it's about a week after this "movement" so to speak took effect. Perhaps we'll see the divas in a match that goes longer than three minutes. Let them actually wrestle. It's not hard to find some time on a three hour show. What WWE should do is put on a divas tag match. Give them 7-10 minutes and that would be enough to satisfy a lot of fans. Maybe they could do a rematch from last week when Nikki & Brie Bella easily defeated Paige & Emma. This time, Emma can be more ready. Paige can prepare her. That's storytelling. Natalya would be a better partner for Paige, but she may be on the verge of a heel turn. The wildcard in all this is AJ Lee. It wouldn't surprise me to see her back in a face role doing promos against Stephanie McMahon. I know that people said her tweets against Stephanie about women's rights were apparently real, but this is WWE. They always turn stuff into angles. More eyes are on the divas after the uproar last week. It's time for WWE to really give these women more of a chance to shine.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.