10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Mar 2)

4. What Do You Think Of The Product Reportedly Becoming More Edgy?

@HeyItsTMA wants to know about the WWE product reportedly being set for a more edgy turn in the near future. Personally, I'm a little skeptical - at least as long as Vince is in charge. With Roman Reigns and John Cena still treated as the most important babyfaces in the company (by some distance), it's clear that merchandise sales and appealing to younger demographics are still at the forefront of WWE's mind. Any attempt at appearing more edgy would likely be done in the typical WWE way: incredibly self-consciously. Imagine Michael Cole screaming about how gritty and violent everything has become in the past few weeks, while Roman Reigns nails a perfectly normal superman punch, and you're probably not too far from the truth.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.