10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (March 3)

9. If The Broken Hardys Come Back To WWE, What Will Their Gimmick Be Like?

Kevin Owens

Should the Hardys return to WWE, they'll do so under their broken gimmick, no doubt about it. Matt Hardy's career renaissance divided opinion, generated discussion, and drew a lot of much-needed attention to Impact Wrestling. It would be a waste to see he and Jeff return as anything other than their 'broken' and 'obsolete' selves.

However, don't expect the brothers to have as much creative control (if they do indeed return to WWE). A compromise will have to be reached, and it'll be interesting to see just how well the (potentially diluted) mainstream version of Matt's vision is realised and received.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.