10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (March 3)

7. What Is Your Favourite Promo Of The Year So Far?

Kevin Owens

This one's pretty easy. My favourite WWE promo of the year so far has to be Kevin Owens' on Raw a couple of weeks ago, where he sat illuminated by a spotlight. It was his first appearance as a legitimate heel, rather than a heel smarky fans still love to cheer. People now despise KO for taking out a fellow beloved figure in the form of Chris Jericho, and he maximised this with a scathing promo.

The best part of this was the fact that Owens didn't mention Y2J at all for the majority of the segment, instead detailing how he plans to beat Goldberg at Fastlane (by outlasting him). Eventually he did bring up former best friend Jericho, before simply dropping the microphone and walking away. It was hilarious, but not in the relatable Owens way of old. He seems genuinely heartless and sinister now, rather than an arrogant champion with a part-time mean streak.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.