10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (March 3)

2. How Do WWE Improve The Booking Of Noam Dar?

Kevin Owens

I'd quite like to expand this question to the majority of the Cruiserweight Division. Yes, Noam deserves better given his ability and unique charisma (which hasn't really been shown well in WWE at all) - but the same could be said of most of the guys on 205 live.

Unfortunately, WWE seem unable to have one featured Cruiserweight storyline at a time (except for rare, one-dimensional feuds such as Dar vs. Alexander).

Things do seem to be getting a little better over time. Brian Kendrick, Jack Gallagher, TJ Perkins and Neville all have established characters now, although the main issue continues to be juggling simultaneous storylines.

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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.