10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (March 9th)

6. What Is The Best Goldberg Match Of All Time?

Roman Reigns, Undertaker

There are two answers here, and I'm not sure which to choose. The purist in me says Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page from Halloween Havoc 1998 - a long (for Goldberg) bout with multiple twists, turns, kickouts, reversals, and so on. Sure, it might have been a little overly-choreographed, but that can surely be forgiven considering the participants. DDP is notorious for planning his matches in minuscule detail, and Goldberg hasn't ever exactly been a master of improvising long matches. Definitely check this one out if you haven't already.

My second answer, and the one I'm probably going to slightly lean in favour of, is his title-winning match on Nitro against Hulk Hogan. Some moments in wrestling are special regardless of the match quality, and this could even be seen as the 90s version of Hogan/Andre (with the Hulkster playing heel instead of face, naturally). The pop when Goldberg hoists the nWo leader up for the Jackhammer is something to behold, and it must go down as one of the greatest moments in WCW history.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.