10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (May 10)

3. Cena's Next Feud For The US Title?

From @AbirAChowdhury: Who would be your pick to feud with John Cena for the US title after Payback?
Bad News Barrett or King Barrett if that's the name WWE wants to use for him. It's been five years since their feud in 2010 when Barrett was fairly new and was the Nexus leader. A lot has changed since then, but they can certainly play off past history in doing a new feud. Barrett is the pick because when looking at the heel landscape there aren't that many other heels for Cena to feud with. Sheamus is another guy that is possible although like Barrett we've seen that before. Kane and Big Show have feuded with Cena too many times. He's just feuded with Rusev and then Bray Wyatt was a main Cena feud last year. Rollins doesn't fit since he's WWE Champion. There aren't other choices. Perhaps in the summer WWE can bring up Kevin Owens to the main roster and have him go after Cena because Owens isn't a guy that has to be in NXT for that long. A Barrett feud with Cena makes a lot of sense although if we're to assume that Cena wins the feud then that would be damaging to Barrett like it has been with Rusev. It's a tough call, that's for sure.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.