10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (May 31)

1. Concern About John Cena Not Putting Over Kevin Owens?

From @dridgeo11: Are you at all concerned about John Cena not putting Kevin Owens over in this feud? He is building a track record.
It's not upsetting if you know wrestling history. This is typical Vince McMahon if you really think about how Vince his top guys of the past whether it was Hulk Hogan or Steve Austin. Those guys rarely lost clean. If they did, it was considered a big deal. The same thing applies to Cena, who actually has lost clean more than those guys even though people complain about him so much. The track record you mentioned is definitely a factor since Cena handily won feuds with Bray Wyatt last year and Rusev this year. Much like them, Owens is a heel on the rise that hopefully can be a main eventer soon. However, if Cena wins in a way that makes Owens looks bad then that bright future for Owens could be erased pretty quickly. Cena doesn't deserve to be called a "momentum killer" or anything like that. No matter what happens, we can't forget that Owens has only been on the main roster for two weeks and the best is yet to come for him. Win or lose, he should be seen as a bigger star after this feud. That's the value of Cena more than anybody else in WWE. My pick is Owens for the match. I think the reason they didn't put the US Title on the line is because they want Owens to win the match in order to earn a title match down the road. If Cena is going to win then why not put the title on the line and just have him win? There's going to be more to this story.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.