10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Wed 24)

3. Bray Wyatt's 'Mania Plans Look Uncertain. How High Can He Ascend?

Main event shenanigans (or lack thereof) aside, The Wyatt Family's loss to 'The Titans' was the most baffling booking decision of Fastlane 2016. @GarthBrown2454 wants to know what's in store for Bray now, after losing so many feuds over the past few months. Rumours of a Wyatt/Lesnar feud seem to have been quashed by the blossoming feud between The Beast and Dean Ambrose, leaving Bray cut adrift somewhat. He could actually be the biggest casualty of this year's WrestleMania card, but assuming he's allowed a place on the show, it must be assumed that he'll be appearing alongside his lumbering Family. Well, lumbering apart from Luke Harper. He's great. Ideally, I'd enjoy a match pitting the Wyatts against an incoming NXT collective (Bullet Club, anybody?), putting over the newcomers in some sort of elimination match. It'd be sad to see Bray reduced to such a state - I still believe he's one of the best characters on the main roster - but at least such a loss would allow the Family to be disbanded. Bray could regain some heel heat by brutally cutting his entourage away, striking out as a singles superstar again.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.