10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Wed 24)

2. Who Should Be Current Champions?

@Arsenalrock2012 has a straightforward question, asking who I think should be the current main roster champions. Let's start with the undercard. The Tag Team titles are unquestionably in the right hands. No face team is anywhere near over enough to take the belts from Kofi, Xavier and Big E., although I do think they should eventually lose to Enzo and Big Cass sometime after WrestleMania. The Divas Championship should be around Sasha Banks' waist forever (at least until Bayley jumps to the main roster and takes it from her), but I'll begrudgingly admit that a big WrestleMania moment will do The Boss more good than a more immediate win. It should also be renamed the Women's Championship, by the way. I like what WWE are doing with the US Championship and Kalisto. He's a great, up-and-coming worker, and satisfies their desire for a Latino babyface star. No issues here. Kevin Owens is a fantastic heel, and deserves some sort of gold, although holding the Intercontinental Championship perhaps deprives him of a bigger feud heading into WrestleMania. I still think he's the right man to hold the strap, but should be propelled to the main event scene once he loses it. Finally, Dean Ambrose should have been the man to take Triple H's WWE Championship at WrestleMania. We now know that this isn't going to happen, but I was holding out hope for a four-man elimination main event at 'Mania, after some sort of screwy Fastlane finish. Lesnar vs. Roman vs. Ambrose vs. Triple H would have contained all the star-power needed for the biggest match of the year, held a greater sense of unpredictability, built more friction between Dean and Reigns, and allowed a beloved underdog to go over on a massive stage. It could be argued that Ambrose isn't yet at the right level to win the WWE Championship, but people said the same about Rollins prior to his cash-in last year.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.