10 WWE Returns Fans Don’t Want (But Secretly Do)

4. Kane

Chris Jericho WWE AEW

Bring Kane along for the (last) ride too.

In real life, Glenn Jacobs' political thoughts leave a bad taste in the mouths of many, but Kane doesn't need to get bogged down in any of that. The fictional monster was a favourite for decades, not because of his political leanings but because of his aura as a badass character. Admit it, you'd pop for his entrance if it happened out of the blue.

Kane was one of the most boring characters around by 2015, but that was only 'cause his 'Corporate Kane' era didn't do it for fans. Before that, Kane's 'Team Hell No' unit with Daniel Bryan charmed the pants off everyone and proved he could still be valuable when used properly. WWE would have to keep that in mind today and use the lighter side as a blueprint.

They couldn't get away with having Kane go on a winning streak, but the company could get some mileage out of a few chokeslams/tombstones and comedy skits. Intersperse him with The Undertaker and watch the retro nuts flock from miles around.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.