10 WWE Romances You Totally Forgot About

2. Maven And Torrie Wilson

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6s8pk_maven-torrie-tajiri-segment-at-a-ho_sport Maven was a babyface rookie that had won Tough Enough and WWE wanted to help him become a big star. They paired him up with Torrie Wilson in a story where she was flirting with him heavily. With Maven in the hospital due to a leg injury, Torrie showed up with a banana in hand. She said she was there to cheer him up, he asked what she had in mind and she slowly started to put the banana in her mouth. A hot woman eating a banana? WWE wasn't very shy back in 2002 when it came to the sexual nature of their storylines. The viewers knew exactly what they were implying. The hospital scene also included Torrie taking off her shirt and showing her in a bra. She closed a curtain to suggest something serious going on. Then Tajiri showed up angrily to confront him because he had a relationship with her too. More cheesy WWE "comedy" ended up happening from there with Tajiri being taken away by real doctors after dressed up like a doctor. The story with Maven and Torrie didn't really get too far. It's one of those angles that just kind of went away when it was obvious that they lacked chemistry. WWE loved pairing Torrie with midcard wrestlers that needed the help with other names like Billy Gunn, Carlito and the aforementioned Tajiri also teaming up with the blonde bombshell. She was married to Billy Kidman in the early 2000s.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.