10 WWE Royal Rumble Eliminations That Infuriated Fans

9. The Brian Kendrick (Triple H - 2009)

Over the years, many fans have accused Triple H of 'burying talent'. What is meant by this is that the man goes into business for himself and makes fledgling, talented young workers look like crap in order to serve his own ego. So strong have the accusations been over the years that 'The Game' himself has lashed out at the internet on more than one occasion. He had no leg to stand on during the 2009 Royal Rumble, mind. Triple H was scheduled to last right up until the end of the match, before being eliminated by Randy Orton. This would set the scene for an eventual WrestleMania main event between the pair over the WWE Title, but did a hot new act really need to be sacrificed along the way? Entering at number 26, Brian Kendrick was made to look like a chump by his more seasoned peer in no time at all - Kendrick lasted an insulting 15 seconds. Just months before, the guy had been in a World Title match at Unforgiven. Fast forward to the Rumble, and one Pedigree was all it took to oust him from the ring. Kendrick did get to shove Kofi Kingston over the ropes before being unceremoniously dumped himself, but it was an blatant waste of talent. The internet promptly went bananas once more over Triple H's self-serving behaviour.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.