10 WWE Sidekicks Who Were A Total Liability
10. Alex Riley
No ones quite sure what went wrong with Kevin Alex Riley Kiley. A big, fairly good-looking guy with half decent mic skills, it looked for a while as though WWE might have another Lex Luger on their hands (in a good way). Paired with his old NXT mentor The Miz as his personal assistant, Riley's function was clear: in the glorious tradition of the employee of the overbearing heel, he was there to get shouted at a lot and help the Miz cheat to win matches.
The idea was that Riley would slowly turn babyface and eventually split with his boss, feuding with him for a couple of months and finally breaking away for a singles career. That singles career was a massive turkey, unfortunately. Riley just didn't have the connection to the crowd or the technical ability. He'd been cheered when facing off against the Miz, but that was just because everyone hated the Miz so much he had no heat of his own, and no way of getting any.
As a villainous sidekick the character Alex Riley had been truly dreadful, losing Miz more matches than he helped him win. The crowd found it impossible to get behind a man who lacked the basic competence to win when he cheated.