10 WWE Sidekicks Who Were A Total Liability

5. Zack Ryder

zack ryder eve torres

In 2011, Matthew €˜Zack Ryder€™ Cardona, frustrated at the lack of faith in his ability being displayed by management, decided to take them up on their long-running challenge to talent to €˜step up€™ and €˜grab the brass ring€™: he put together a charmingly amateurish weekly Youtube show with a few friends, booked himself as the host and star (and, eventually, Internet Champion) and slowly, gradually, actually got himself over with the WWE fanbase.

It'€™s been five years now since WWE patted the soil flat upon Zack Ryder'€™s grave, so people tend to forget how brutal his burial actually was. His merchandise began to sell, and then to sell out. Finally, he achieved a life goal and was booked (with almost heelish levels of interference and assistance from his storyline best friend John Cena) to win the United States championship on pay-per-view: the biggest night of his career. And then WWE booked him to be the junior partner in the notorious Eve-Cena-Kane-Ryder angle of early 2012.

Between January and March, Ryder would be pulverised almost every single week on RAW, either physically by Kane or emotionally by Eve, while Cena -€“ Ryder€™'s storyline best friend, remember -€“ stood by and made concerned faces. In the middle of all this, he was booked to lose the US title he€™\d spent months chasing.

He'€™d had it less than four weeks, including the Christmas holiday, and was never given the usual rematch: he never got to get his revenge on his heel tormentors, either. Ryder spent months being battered back down the card again: if he was in a tag match in 2012, his partner would know they were losing.

Wrestlers being punished by the office for some major infraction have taken less of a humiliating beating, and all Cardona did was work his tail off to get over.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.