10 WWE Signature Moves You Need To See

2. Randy Orton - RKO

2014 has seen somewhat of a renaissance for the RKO. Overnight, the #RKOVines swept across the internet as fans cruedly added Randy Orton into videos of people falling over, making it seem like The Viper had appeared €œoutta nowhere€ to hit his signature move is. Randy Orton became a crossover star instantly, turning face and landing a new lead role in a WWE Studios film in the process. What is it about the RKO that makes it so popular? As the vines show, it€™s the unpredictability of it and its ability to come €œoutta nowhere€. There was a similar phenomenon around Diamond Dallas Page€™s Diamond Cutter maneuver in the nineties, as DDP claimed to have fifty-two variations of his modified Ace Crusher. It was just where and how he€™d hit it that made his matches must watch, and the RKO is the natural evolution of the Cutter as a move. Fans love the RKO because of how innovative Randy Orton can still make it, so many years into his career. Recently, his reversal of Dolph Ziggler€™s Fame-Asser into a pop-up RKO blew everyone€™s minds, and his RKO on Evan Bourne as Bourne was mid-Shooting Star Press was one of the coolest counters in WWE history. With his career rejuvenated, and plenty of gas left in the tank there€™s still countless cool RKOs for Randy left to hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ9rv-IImqA

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