10 WWE Signature Moves You Need To See

1. Adrian Neville - The Red Arrow

Everyone remembers a wrestling move that completely captivated them. Something they€™ve never seen before, and something they just had to share with their friends. Whether it was Jimmy Snuka€™s dive from the top of the cage onto Don Muraco, Jeff Hardy€™s Swanton Bomb or Brock Lesnar€™s Shooting Star Press. There are moves that are so breathtakingly beautiful that for just a second, you forget that what you€™re watching is staged. Adrian Neville€™s Red Arrow is the next evolution of that type of move. It€™s a corkscrew Shooting Star Press, which means he not only hits a regular Shooting Star Press, but he twists his body around in the other direction as well. The most impressive thing about the move is how quickly he does it. Watch Neville hit the move and see how much hang-time he has between completing the rotations and hitting his opponent, it€™s unbelievable. A few months ago, ahead of NXT TakeOver: Fatal Four Way, the four competitors in the main event were given the chance to wrestle a tag team match on Raw. Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn defeating Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd when Neville hit the Red Arrow on Breeze. If you watch that match, look at the crowd, because there€™s one woman you should pay attention to. After the move has hit, her jaw is wide open, and she turns to her friends to confirm she actually saw that. That€™s the power of wrestling, and that€™s the power of a dynamic signature move. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sRwzkx905E

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