10 WWE Signature Moves You Need To See

7. Daniel Bryan - Busaiku Knee

Daniel Bryan is a master technician in the ring. Before Chris Jericho and CM Punk, it was Bryan Danielson that fans referred to as €œBest in the World€ back when he was in Ring of Honor and he€™s only got better since then. He can grapple better than practically anyone, he can soar across the ring, or he can take it outside and brawl with the best of them. When Daniel Bryan was picked to be John Cena€™s opponent at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship, many fans assumed that there was no way Bryan was winning. At the time, Bryan€™s primary finisher was the submission manuever €œThe Yes Lock€ and John Cena hasn€™t tapped out since 2004, so many fans thought there was no way Bryan was going to get the win over the champ. Instead, Bryan brought out a move made famous by one of his greatest opponents. The Busaiku Knee was a signature move of KENTA, now known as Hideo Itami and was the perfect move for Bryan to put away John Cena. Now, he has his a move that he can hit out of nowhere, but also set up in the corner with a rousing cry of €œYES! YES! YES!€ alongside the fans who can€™t to see him drive his knee straight into someone€™s face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXJk3IQrdU0

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