10 WWE Stars Who Could Do A CM Punk And Try MMA

3. Heath Slater

There€™s something intangible about Heath Slater that makes people underestimate him. Even before he 3MB, and his feud with WWE legends he always had a goofy quality to him where no-one would expect a legitimate badass hiding underneath that dopey smile. While few would expect it, Heath Slater is actually a former Golden Gloves boxing champion, having competed in tournaments prior to WWE. It is something that JBL mentions on commentary, but it€™s never elaborated on and wrestling fans might not know how impressive that is. The Golden Gloves tournament is open to all non-professional boxers over the age of sixteen who are United States citizens. Competitors compete at a regional level with the winners heading to the national competition to take part on the Tournament of Champions. It€™s unknown why WWE don€™t capitlise on Slater€™s legitimate accomplishments more, but he is very entertaining in his current role. If ever wanted to be taken more seriously however, he could do some real damage inside the Octagon.

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