10 WWE Stars Who Could Do A CM Punk And Try MMA

2. Bad News Barrett

Wade €œBad News€ Barrett is one of the toughest men in WWE, and is rarely recognised a such. Prior to his time in wrestling, he was an internationally renowned bare-knuckle boxer competing in big money bouts, and he still has the scars to prove it. The most notable story from this time took place after a fight known throughout the underground world of bare-knuckle boxing as €œThe Battle of Buda€. Barrett won the fight and £20,000 and headed immediately to an airport to get out of the country with his money. Barrett was accosted in an alley and stabbed with a knife, but fought his would-be mugger off, holding onto the prize money. In interviews, he€™s cagey about exact details due to legal reasons, but always hints that the attacker left with worse injuries than he did. If that€™s the sort of trouble Barrett can get up to in a shady Budapest alley after an illegal bare-knuckle boxing match, imagine what he could do in a sanctioned UFC fight. If UFC, or even other promotions like Bellator are scouting professional wrestling for talent, Wade Barrett should be one of their first ports of call.

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