10 WWE Stars Lost To The Sands Of Time

9. Aldo Montoya

When Peter Polaco was reintroduced to WWF fans in 2001, he was going under the Justin Credible moniker he had developed in the original ECW. Long before he was a bald street thug with attitude, Polaco played the unenviable role of 'Aldo Montoya'. Wearing one of the worst masks in wrestling history on his face, the guy was also said to be Portuguese, which meant the Connecticut native couldn't cut promos. Polaco did his best with the gimmick, but it was cannon fodder from the get-go. There was no way wrestling fans were going to take him seriously with that garish yellow and green outfit, and Aldo Montoya was enhancement talent at best. Partly because the guy would return to the company under a different guise, the Montoya gimmick has been largely forgotten. In many respects, that's a good thing for Peter Polaco. At least he was given a second chance to make a first impression, instead of being remembered as little more than a running joke. Aldo Montoya wouldn't last long in the WWF of the mid-90's, before Polaco was forced to try and revive his career under the guidance of Paul Heyman in ECW.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.