10 WWE Stars I Would Have Made World Champion

3. Scott Steiner (1992­-1994, 2002­-2004)

WWE.comWWE.comIf you know Scott Steiner­­­ - the REAL Scott Steiner­­­ - then you not only love the man, you love the father. The problem is, that Scott doesn€™t let anybody in, mainly because he doesn€™t trust anybody, so all there is to €œjudge€ of Scott Steiner is the €œcharacter, and who they believe he really is. And that, is what leads to the undeserving heat that Scott sometimes get. People are afraid of Scott, and fear Scott, so they never do what they really need to do with him. I wasn€™t really watching World Wrestling Entertainment from 2002­-2004, but it doesn€™t really matter. I don€™t have to know who was on the roster at the time, or who was the Champion, because I know that Scott was better than them all. If I had it my way€”I would put my money on Scott Steiner every single time. Nobody is as impressive as Big Bad Booty Daddy: not only in physique, but in the promo and charisma departments as well. The most valuable tool that Scott had­­­ - and still has - ­­­is that he is perhaps the most believable guy that I ever worked with, and somewhat ironically­­­ that has become his Achilles' heel.

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on pyroandballyhoo.com, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for WhatCulture.com.