10 WWE Stars Who Should Have Been Major Champions

9. Jerry "The King" Lawler

Like Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler was a victim of wrestling in an era with simply too many legends. He's won over 150 titles throughout his career whilst wrestling for a number of promotions, but that WWE Championship never managed to find its way around his waist. Although he still does make sporadic appearances inside the ring, Lawler is certainly not going to get a chance to put that right, meaning the history books will read the way they do now - Jerry Lawler will never be a major champion with the WWE. He's been one of the best servants the company are likely to ever get their hands on - and still does a stellar job in commentary to this very day. But Lawler never managed to climb to the top of the tree in the WWE.
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Scott Hall
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Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.