10 WWE Stars Most Likely To Win The Royal Rumble (And Why)

7. John Cena

It is hard to imagine many people being fans of this idea. That being said, WWE is run by Vince McMahon, and if you expect the worst and rely on them to be predictable, you won't be disappointed. Well, alright, you probably will, but at least you won't be surprised. John Cena is part of the Title match at the Royal Rumble, we know this for a fact, and he arguably has a better than even chance of walking away with the Championship. C'est la vie, it is what it is. But just for fun, let's suppose that he loses that match, with the victor being either Rollins or Lesnar. We then go to the Rumble match, the countdown occurs, the airhorn blares and we hear the horn section and the chorus of "YOUR TIME IS UP, MY TIME IS NOW!", just before most wrestling fans the world over let out a collective groan. It's not unheard of for people who competed in other matches earlier in the night to then compete in the Royal Rumble. In fact, many fans were all holding their breath for Daniel Bryan to do that very thing last year. It's not a stretch to think that John Cena could appear in the Rumble match following a loss in the Title match. He's won the Rumble twice before (one more time and he'll tie with Stone Cold Steve Austin) and he's definitely no stranger to maineventing Wrestlemania. The problem here isn't John's ability to carry big matches, because he can. The problem is that the Wrestlemania main event would then either be Cena vs Lesnar or Cena vs Rollins, both of which fans have seen plenty of recently. John and Seth have faced each other in one form or another in almost every Raw since September, as well as matches at TLC and Survivor Series, so you've seen that for nearly four straight months already. As for Lesnar and Cena, by Sunday you'll have seen them face each other in three PPV's since August. That's the same match three times in the space of six months. This is not to say that any of the matches against either opponent were bad, but Wrestlemania is supposed to be the grandest stage of them all, so why would you put as your main selling point a match that we've seen multiple times already in the past few months? Cena can definitely carry a main event, that's not up for debate. The problem here is that if he were to enter and win the Rumble, it would lead to a main event that everyone has seen already. That being said, WWE is in a business to make money. With the Network sales falling below expectations, they've taken a bit of a blow in that regard over the last year. So rather than risk the biggest show of the year on an unknown quantity, it's tempting for them to play it safe. You really can't get more safe than John Cena in the World Title match at Wrestlemania.

Stephen Maher has been a rock star, a bouncer, a banker and a busker on various streets in various countries. He's hung out with Robert Plant, he was at Nelson Mandela's birthday and he's swapped stories with prostitutes and crack addicts. He once performed at a Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by accident. These days, he passes the time by writing about music, wrestling, games and other forms of nerdery. And he rarely drinks the blood of the innocent.