10 WWE Stars Most Likely To Win The Royal Rumble (And Why)

4. Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose is arguably the hottest babyface in WWE right now. He has the persona of a resurrected Brian Pillman, the comedic sensibilities of The Joker and the chaotic wrestling style of Cactus Jack. If he is in the main event at Wrestlemania, people are in for a fun ride. Ambrose has portrayed a relatively stoic and quiet individual since his WWE debut as part of The Shield. Gradually, his slightly more mental tendencies began to rear their head, but they were always kept in check. Since The Shield split, however, Ambrose has gone full-on batsh*t crazy, channeling his former Jon Moxley persona from the independent circuit to great effect. His feud with Seth Rollins was easily one of the best feuds of 2014, culminating in one of the best and most violent Hell In A Cell matches of all time. He also had a brief but violent feud with Bray Wyatt in recent months, with some barbaric matches and excellent mic work. Ultimately, in both feuds he came off on the losing end, but Ambrose currently occupies that beautiful sweet spot in the audience's hearts where wins and losses cease to matter, because everything he does is so damn entertaining, you just don't care. The potential matches at Wrestlemania are all winners. His feud against Rollins felt cut short due to the machinations of Bray Wyatt, so revisiting that is a guaranteed moneymaker. A match against Brock Lesnar would be amazing to watch, especially when you take into account the promo work he could do with Paul Heyman. Plus, Ambrose clearly doesn't care about cheating to win one bit, so all the rules would be broken in that contest. As for John Cena, during their brief alliance against The Authority, the Superman vs Batman comparison was alluded to during a backstage segment between them. Booked along those lines, there's no way it could lose. Dean Ambrose is one of the names dropped recently by Vince McMahon as one to watch, the guy who will eventually grab the brass ring and take WWE into a new era. He's already headlined two PPV's last year, against Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt respectively. For all the talk of playing it safe, perhaps the time has come to gamble on some of the new blood in WWE. A gamble on Ambrose sounds like good odds to back.

Stephen Maher has been a rock star, a bouncer, a banker and a busker on various streets in various countries. He's hung out with Robert Plant, he was at Nelson Mandela's birthday and he's swapped stories with prostitutes and crack addicts. He once performed at a Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by accident. These days, he passes the time by writing about music, wrestling, games and other forms of nerdery. And he rarely drinks the blood of the innocent.