10 WWE Stars Triple H Will NEVER Use Properly

8. Apollo Crews

Viking Raiders

Arguably, this isn't just a Triple H issue - it's a wider WWE issue, but Hunter is currently the head of creative so he takes the hit. Apollo Crews once threatened to breakout when the promotion cast him as a descendant of Nigerian royalty. He was in the Intercontinental Title hunt back then.

Those days feel like ancient history now.

Today, Apollo has returned to playing the same generic smiley babyface role that bored people to tears when he first landed on the main roster. Remember Michael Cole desperately reaching by using words like, "dynamic", "exciting" and "energetic" to describe Crews. That was in lieu of any personality, and it didn't work.

Apollo is living some sort of WWE-style Groundhog Day in terms of characterisation, and that ain't gonna change in 2024. Triple H isn't going to suddenly wake up one day and think, 'Hey, I need to book Apollo Crews as a top guy'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.