10 WWE Stars Triple H Will NEVER Use Properly

7. Dexter Lumis

Viking Raiders

Different creative heads will have their own designs on which characters fly in the current climate. In the mid-1990s, Vinnie Mac thought occupational gimmicks were the way to go. In 2023, Tony Khan marries independent wrestling stuff with a keen eye for workrate prevalent in Japanese promotions.

Meanwhile, Triple H will have his own favourites.

Here's a guess from yours truly: Trips just doesn't really get the Dexter Lumis gimmick. If he did, then Dex would've had a better shot at success on Raw beyond his rivalry vs. The Miz. That was an unsatisfying midcard experience, and it failed to elevate Lumis in the slightest.

So, yeah, maybe Hunter just can't get on board with what Dexter is all about. That's fair enough, really, but it doesn't bode well for the spooky ex-NXT star. Lumis would need to radically alter his character to have a hope in hell of thriving under 'The Game' in 2024.

It remains to be seen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.