10 WWE Stars Triple H Will NEVER Use Properly

5. The Viking Raiders

Viking Raiders


That chant should be booming throughout arenas as people toast yet another fabulous Viking Raiders tag effort, but it's a fantasy. Yes, injuries have robbed The Raiders of some time in 2023, but they weren't exactly smashing it on TV anyway. Or, more accurately, they weren't being allowed to smash it.

The duo had a proud reputation pre-WWE. War Machine earned rave reviews pretty much everywhere on the pro wrestling map, and they seemed destined to become a surefire hit after putting pen to paper on contracts with the biggest promotion in the land. Too much treading water has led to creative rot setting in though.

It's almost impossible to picture anything better for Erik, Ivar and Valhalla once they're all back together on telly again. They'll get yet another brief mini-push, then the writers will get bored and Triple H will lead the charge for everyone to focus on others.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.