10 WWE Stars Triple H Will NEVER Use Properly

4. Charlotte Flair

Viking Raiders

You might be reading this entry and thinking, 'Erm...Charlotte Flair is constantly in the title mix. She is used properly!'. She really, really isn't. Wrestlers can be pushed hard and used wrongly at the same time, and most would agree that Charlotte's incredibly-forced babyface run is visible evidence of that.

She's way better as a heel. That's just the way it is.

Interviews away from the ring reveal that Flair is a nice person, but her painted-on face smile and 'love me, love me' approach is pretty difficult to swallow on TV. It's too put-on, but Triple H has persevered with Charlotte's face run throughout his tenure in charge of creative.

This guy is beginning to wonder if he'll ever return Flair to the glory days of heeldom. Don't hold your breath. Apparently, Trips thinks Charlotte is doing a bang up job of working the top female face role. It's a shame few others see what Hunter sees, eh?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.