Was Trish Stratus ever really booked as a crazy chick? Not really, but think about the WrestleMania 20 storyline that put them together. Chris Jericho was falling madly in love with Trish, then she found out he had some "Loonie Bet" (that's a Canadian dollar) with Christian. Poor Jericho ended up legitimately falling for her and then she felt like she couldn't trust him. When she showed up at the Jericho/Christian WM20 match, people may have thought she was there to help Jericho win, then tell him she loved him and all would be right in the world. Nope. She tricked him. Trish helped Christian win. To top it off, she gave him a big kiss as they left in victory. Trish wasn't always presented as a crazy chick, but when she went heel she was. Remember when she targeted Lita, which drew the wrath of Kane and she was stalked by him? You had to be crazy to be willing to try that. The relationship with Christian didn't even last that long due to injuries and then the storyline was just dropped. However, when that moment at WM20 happened it was something we won't soon forget.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.