10 WWE Stars Who Have Completely Changed Since Their Debuts

8. Heath Slater

Heath Slater

Debut: 2006 in development (Deep South then FCW) and 2010 as part of the original NXT concept.

How He's Changed: Getting rid of his gingery bangs and growing out some stubble was one of the best things Heath Slater could have done in 2015. Without the long hair, he actually looks more like the cocky rock star he was supposed to be before when he debuted in WWE's farm system 12 years ago.

In the decade plus since those days in Deep South and FCW, Slater has been on the original NXT show, become a member of Nexus, The Corre, The Social Outcasts and 3MB, formed tag-teams with Rhyno and Titus O'Neil and claimed he "Got Kids".

Through all that good stuff, he's been a reliable performer for WWE and has successfully updated his look. The Heath who occasionally strolls out on Raw today isn't the same shy-looking kid who posed for promo pics in developmental.

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