10 WWE Stars Who Have Completely Changed Since Their Debuts

6. Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch

Debut: 2013 on NXT, and then 2015 on the main roster as part of a recruitment drive for the new "women's revolution".

How She's Changed: The delicate little Irish jig WWE asked Becky Lynch to do on her way to the ring was a source of embarrassment for her in 2013. That one-note, stereotypical gimmick was never going to cut. Lynch needed something more, and she needed permission to put her own stamp on things.

Over time, she developed a steampunk style and spitfire persona that connected with fans. It was a popular decision when the now orange-haired Becky bounced onto the main roster as a key component in the first wave of "women's revolution" recruits. After that, she was off to the races and began quietly proving herself as one of the best female workers on WWE's books.

In just five years, Lynch has gone from partially-racist stereotype to one of the most popular females on the roster. Her hair colour change and style overhaul have both helped tremendously with that, and so has going from 'Irish Dancer' to 'Lass Kicker'.

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