10 WWE Stars Who Have Gone AWOL

7. Lio Rush

Lio Rush

It's no accident that Bobby Lashley shed some of his aura when lil' Lio Rush was pulled from his side shortly after WrestleMania 35. For all his muscles, intensity and tenure, Lashley doesn't have much charisma on the mic, so Lio came in handy for that. He was sort of like this generation's Harvey Wippleman, only Rush can wrestle and bump.

Like Wippleman before him though, Lio was there to do some talking for the bigger man and help sell Bobby's size by being physically small in the background. It was a role well-suited to his skill set, but reports frequently popped up online that Rush was annoying the p*ss out of everyone backstage and getting mega-heat for his attitude.

That's why he's no longer on the road.

Lio has said in interviews that he's busy working on some music projects and isn't in any rush (ahem) to launch a televised return. Chalk him up as yet another WWE performer who is taking money for old rope just because they don't know what the heck to do with him right now.

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Lana Rusev
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