10 WWE Stars Who Most Benefited From Paul Heyman's Influence

8. Raven

CM Punk Paul Heyman Guy

Likewise, Scott Levy was stumbling around without much direction when he entered ECW in 1994. Fresh off a stint playing the colourful Johnny Polo character in the cartoon realm of the early-1990's WWF, the man needed something different he could sink his teeth into. ECW was the perfect breeding ground for his own creativity.

Coming up with the guise of Raven, he was encouraged by Paul Heyman to show as much or as little personality as he wanted. The sheer brilliance in the Raven gimmick was that it was presented as counter culture, despite being fashionable due to the character's grunge-like outfits.

On the WWE-produced DVD, 'Ladies & Gentlemen, My Name Is Paul Heyman', Raven said that it used to drive him crazy that his boss would obsess over minor details. Incidental promos were filmed time and time again, often into the early hours of the morning.

However, Raven directly benefited from that. Heyman also didn't stand in his star's way when WCW came calling, fittingly realising that a free spirit like Raven needed to fly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.