10 WWE Stars Who Pretty Much Asked To Be Fired

3. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan WrestleMania XXX

Sorry, Buff, but 2020 Hulk Hogan is the real attempted rebirth of Hulk Hogan.

WWE don't muck about when it comes to PR or appeasing wealthy sponsors. In today's PC-driven world, anything that might soil the corporate sheen is swiftly dealt with. That's why Hogan was deleted from company history for a while after news of racist remarks he made filtered into the public domain, regrettably including the dreaded 'n' word.

On 24 July 2015, WWE ripped up Hogan's ambassador-style contract and distanced themselves from everything to do with his likeness, history or career. It was a sad day for company folklore, but absolutely understandable given the horrendous slurs heard on tape. In the summer of 2015, Hogan's name was mud, and WWE wanted nothing to do with him.

Hulk had to know this was coming when the company learned what had happened years earlier. As soon as WWE were made aware of the incriminating evidence, they were always going to act decisively and without thought for how many magical moments Hogan had etched into the history books.

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Xavier Woods
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.