10 WWE Stars Who Will Miss WrestleMania 37

1. Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar WWE WrestleMania 37

There's money in a Bobby Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar battle this year. However, it'll only happen if WWE are able to re-negotiate terms with the 'Beast'. It's not like Brock needs the money, so anything the company do lay out would have to be on his terms.

As with most legends on this list, 'Mania 37 comes too soon for Brocky boy.

He did the honours for Drew McIntyre inside an eerie Performance Center at 36 last year, and that was the last time he was spotted in WWE circles. Rumours of a jump to AEW seem far-fetched (albeit hardly impossible - this is pro wrestling) too. It's much more likely that Brock will romp back onto the WWE scene for another match or two when travel restrictions loosen.

He's a major miss for WrestleMania 37. There's no getting away from that, and even the biggest Lesnar sceptics would admit that he'd help the card against the right opponent. However, Lashley is tied up and so is fellow natural enemy Roman Reigns, so there aren't many spots open for Brock.

Which other WWE stars will miss out on a WrestleMania 37 payday? For more wrestling, check out WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Things That Must Happen and 21 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (March 15)!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.