10 WWE Stars You Didn't Know Started As Part Of The New Generation

9. D'Lo Brown (As A.C. Connor)

Before D'Lo became the head-wiggling lackey for the Nation of Domination, he got his feet wet in the WWE under his given name (well, a variation on it, anyways). He moved a little slower back then due to the abundance of baby fat he had on him, but you could see the seeds of D'Lo's move set being set in this early stage. As for any gimmick, he either had no personality then or simply wasn't allowed to showcase it. Either way, it would have been extremely difficult to point to him in those early matches and say "That guy's going to be somebody in a few years!", but Vince clearly saw something in him, making him an official part of the WWE roster in 1997 and having him debut as a member of the Nation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h34fK1Fjk_g
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.