10 WWE Storylines That Have Aged Horribly

9. Mae Young Gives Birth To A Hand

Mae Young Mark Henry Royal Rumble 2000

WWE's next power play in the 'female revolution' they have going on in the modern era is to promote a women's wrestling tournament. Stephanie McMahon beamed as she told fans the thing would be named after Mae Young, a fitting tribute to one of wrestling's oldest mothers. Oops, we mean greatest females.

Somehow, it's doubtful that Stephanie or WWE in general will bring up Mae's on-screen relationship with Mark Henry during the tournament, let alone the story which had her giving birth to a human hand covered in slime. Don't remember it? Well, that's because your brain has blanked it from memory due to the pain.

Back in 2000, Mae Young fell pregnant to Henry and then weirdly birthed the limb on live TV. This is the kind of stuff you make sure to skip through when reliving the glory days around those who never understood your fascination with pro wrestling. Don't watch this before that Mae Young Classic, whatever you do.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.