10 WWE Storylines That Have Aged Horribly

8. Triple H Molests Katie Vick

Katie Vick
WWE Network

Let's just get this one out of the way, because it's bound to come up any time horrible WWE storylines are discussed. Peel just beneath the obvious sexual-assault though and you'll also find a tale that feels dated and out of step with everything else WWE have presented. Seeing Triple H dress up as Kane, invade a funeral home, and molest a mannequin isn't easy viewing.

The Katie Vick saga was stomach-churning back in 2002, so imagine how tough a task it is to sit through in 2017. As 'The Game' revealed Kane's drink-driving, murderous ways, and penchant for necrophilia, wrestling fans wondered aloud who this was supposed to entertain. Incredibly, it's even worse now.

This isn't the sort of story WWE can recant when looking back on Triple H and Kane's careers, because rape, sex with the dead, and accusations of murder don't really fit into the PG format. WWE won't be green lighting anything like this in the near future, that's for sure.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.