10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

9. It's A New Day (Xavier Woods)

New Day Debut

Pre-pancakes, trombones and Booty-O's, Xavier Woods was going nowhere in WWE.

Before launching The New Day gimmick with Kofi Kingston and Big E, Woods had been hanging around with no-hoper R-Truth and looked like the kind of peripheral performer WWE might cut during the next spring clean. Then, out of nowhere, Xavier started showing some serious personality.

In truth, it wasn't until New Day were given some freedom by creative that Woods began to shine. Allowed to make pop culture references aplenty, display the real friendship he had with his partners and start having fun for the first time in his run, Woods found his calling as part of the comedic trio.

Since then, everything has fallen into place for Xavier and he's a made man. His gaming YouTube empire is growing, and he's managed to prove himself as a scrappy underdog babyface. Without the New Day experiment (and, crucially, that latitude to express himself) Woods would probably be back in TNA working the Consequences Creed gimmick.

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