10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

8. Straight Edge Saviour (CM Punk)

CM Punk Intervention Promo 2010

Some may laugh at the notion of CM Punk being taken for granted in 2009. After all, this was the same guy who would go on to enjoy a 434-day reign as WWE Champion, and he'd held the old World Heavyweight Title before patterning himself after Jesus Christ and shoving his Straight Edge lifestyle in everyone's faces.

In the summer of 2009, Punk (who had used Straight Edge before as a spitfire babyface) began crowing about how drink and drugs would ruin America. His impassioned rants about how he'd "save" everyone and the eventual upstart of his Straight Edge Society group with Luke Gallows and Serena sold the idea that Punk had a dangerous God-like complex.

For the first time since being elevated up the card, Punk showed personality beyond having tattoos or an indy darling vibe.

It was finally the moment that the penny dropped for WWE, and they started to see him as more than just an internet sensation; around two years later, Punk would take the next step by shedding his sanctimonious ideals and instead focusing his hate on WWE itself during a famous "Pipebomb" moment.

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CM Punk
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.