10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

3. The Great American Award (JBL)


A Stan Hansen rip off, updated reprise of The Blackjacks, devil-worshipping member of The Undertaker's Ministry and ass-kicking gun for hire. Those were all characters Bradshaw played between 1996-2004. Once long-time partner Ron Simmons retired in '04, there didn't appear to be much left for his ex-APA colleague to do.

Enter John Bradshaw Layfield, a J.R Ewing inspired money man who rubbed his success in everyone's face and proudly waved the flag of xenophobic pig ignorance.

As JBL, Bradshaw gave his WWE career a shot of adrenaline. It was never guaranteed to work, but a combination of established heel traits borrowed from characters like the Million Dollar Man and Vince McMahon helped JBL thrive. It also didn't hurt that WWE ran a "Great American Award" storyline on SmackDown.

JBL convinced then-GM Kurt Angle that he should be the one to get the prize and challenge Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Title. What followed was a lengthy stay in the main event scene for Bradshaw, one that would not have come without the synergy between new gimmick and patriotic storyline.

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