10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

4. Joining The Nation (The Rock)

The Rock Nation Of Domination

A knee injury suffered in April 1997 was the best thing that could've happened to Rocky Maivia. Before it, he was tanking big time as a high-fiving, ever-smiling babyface who looked straight out of the '70s. Fan signs like "Die Rocky Die" said it all.

Following a few months out, Maivia returned, joined up with The Nation Of Domination and started to show more dynamism in a few weeks than he had in the entirety of his previous six-month run. After developing key characteristics like a raised eyebrow and referring to himself in third person, The Rock rocketed up The Nation flagpole and became the group's crown jewel.

Suddenly, the WWF had a budding superstar on their hands.

Rock's charisma and star-power soon started to outgrow The Nation, and it seemed only a matter of time before he'd go on to bigger and better things. Don't forget that Rocky, as a heel, was also able to take those first tentative steps against Steve Austin and prove he could handle a featured feud in '97.

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