10 WWE Superstars Most Likely To Succeed In UFC

1. Cesaro

Jack Swagger UFC 2

Whenever you ask most smart fans who the most gifted technical wrestlers in the WWE are right now, they'll probably mention Cesaro among the pack. In addition to having one of the most impressive repertoires of moves in the company, he's ridiculously strong for a man of his lean build and cuts a unique, rugby player-esque physique (unsurprising considering Cesaro played rugby back in Switzerland).

With his combination of speed and ridiculous strength, he could be a real threat in UFC if he can translate all this into powerful strikes and strong defense. He's got a better chance than just about anyone else on the roster, if he decides to go that route.

Chance Of Going To UFC: Honestly, who knows? Vince McMahon seems insistent that Cesaro doesn't connect with the WWE audience despite so much evidence to the contrary, yet there's genuine hope from his sizable fanbase that one day the world title trigger might get pulled on him.

Then again, maybe one day Cesaro will tire of being under-utilised and move on (as the Smackdown Live draft seemed to indicate), or perhaps not. 4/10

Which WWE superstars do you think are most likely to succeed in UFC? Shout them out in the comments!

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Jack Swagger
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.