10 WWE Superstars Who Could Debut (Or Return) The Night After WrestleMania 38

8. Elias

Bray Wyatt

You'd be forgiven for assuming that one of Vince McMahon's one-time favourite playthings had also been quietly given his marching orders in recent times, what with Elias' last on-screen appearance coming in August via vignettes that seemed to confirm the death of his once genuinely hot guitar-strumming gimmick.

There was talk of the bearded maestro changing things up somewhat when it came to his character not long after. But said plans were then reportedly scrapped due to Elias' reinvention and fresh, colourful gear being too similar to that of Randy Savage for the boss.

Saying that, it's not uncommon for WWE to simply ignore what came before it. So, should Elias be given the green light to rock back up on Raw for a 'Mania encore, it wouldn't come as too much of a shock to see him once again boasting some strings.

Yet, if the star who has been seen scrapping with everyone from John Cena to The Undertaker over the years isn't thrown back into the mix hot on the heels of the latest instalment of The Showcase of the Immortals, you do have to wonder if the charismatic presence has anything resembling a future in the company.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...