10 WWE Superstars Who Could Dethrone Roman Reigns

5. Seth Rollins

Roman Reigns Sami Zayn

There is an argument to be made that Seth Rollins is the wrestler of the year, or at least in the conversation.

Something seems to have clicked in 2022, where the 'Architect' has become the ring general WWE and the fanbase saw him as. His rivalry and matches with Cody Rhodes were absolutely sublime and his work with Riddle since has brought the 'King of Bros' up to his level.

If The Game is looking for an absolute solid choice to represent one of or both of the belts, then the 'Monday Night Messiah' has proven this year he's the man for the job.

Now it would be remiss of us not to speak about The Shield. The connection between Reigns and Rollins will be eternal based on their runs within the legendary group. In fact, in their fantastic match at the Royal Rumble earlier this year, Rollins leant hard on their shared past.

He also, technically beat Reigns. Yes, it was a disqualification, but it just adds another layer to the fact that Rollins often has Reigns' number.

The fans are yearning to cheer for the former Royal Rumble winner, and a possible face turn and triumph over his old running buddy wouldn't just kick it off right, but if would give Seth the opportunity to put right his awful face run of 2019 as well.


A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!