10 WWE Superstars Who Don't Dress The Part

Sometimes the wrestler you see on the entrance ramp is not the same character you see in the ring.

Dolph Ziggler The Undertaker

As WWE often likes to remind its Universe, the programming focuses more on entertainment than sports. What often outweighs the in-ring exhibit of athletic ability is pageantry. When WWE refers to WrestleMania, what is one of the most commonly used words in the promotional videos?


With this in mind, the presentation of a Superstar can make or break them. A good look can leave an audience believing they saw the most dangerous person in the pro wrestling world, the most outrageous, and so on. Shawn Michaels didn't simply call himself the Showstopper for his in-ring or mic work. He also dressed to capture every last drop of the fans' attention - but imagine if The Heartbreak Kid had an unkempt appearance or traded all of the flashy apparel for generic black trunks, yet still acted like he was the person every man hated and every woman wanted? The WWE Universe would have been confused.

And such can be the case for other Superstars who don't look their part. What good comes from dressing like a superhero, if your character is the furthest thing from it?

Whether carrying out a look that does not further their character or continuing to dress for a role they no longer play, unfortunately, there are many members of the WWE roster today who leave fans wondering what the heck they just saw.

10. Roman Reigns

Dolph Ziggler The Undertaker

It was CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Ryback at Survivor Series 2012.

Cena remained motionless on the floor during the climax of the match-up, and Ryback just Shellshocked the Best In The World. Before The Big Guy was able to capitalize, three men cloaked in black slid into the ring and assaulted him. From then on, when the words “Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta” echoed around arenas, wrestling fans roared for the three assailants – Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose – known as The Shield.

Part of The Shield’s success came from their overall look: black pants, combat boots, and tactical vests. It coincided with the early ambushes the group considered justice. It suggested the three superstars were hired muscles, with some sort of military background, who meant business. That was 6 years ago.

Yet Roman Reigns still performs in the same gear today (granted, the vest has been contoured and features his insignia). The Big Dog would benefit from spicing up his costume; by wearing the same outfit, it almost appears he is holding onto the past. A new look to go along with further victories would set the tone that he is the new face of the company, and that his success comes from his time as a juggernaut in singles competition; not from back when he was part of a faction.

And on the subject of being a juggernaut, it makes little sense that Reigns, who is an unstoppable powerhouse, would need the extra padding considering that his rumored WrestleMania opponents, Brock Lesnar, doesn’t even wear kneepads.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.